2-4 December 2024 | ExCel London

Our Safety & Health Expo Exhibitors' Sustainability Initiatives

In addition to making our events as sustainable as possible, we are proud to champion those of our exhibitors equally committed to improving the social, environmental and sustainable impact of their products and services.

Here are just some of the initiatives our Safety & Health Expo exhibitors have put in place...


At SoloProtect, we’re committed to supporting the safety and wellbeing of lone workers in the UK and beyond. However, we also recognise the importance of minimising the environmental impact of our personal safety solution and our business operation for the wellbeing of future generations.

We do a number of things to reduce our carbon footprint, including ensuring our devices use as little energy as possible, using packaging that is 100% reusable and recyclable, limiting the use of heavy metals and other hazardous materials, using a CarbonSAVER Gold company to recycle our waste, and complying with RoHS and WEEE regulations.  

Stand SH.2482

TOWA Corporation

Sustainability has always been part of our strategy at TOWA, notably through our own operated recycling center in Japan where we retrieve the gloves we sold in Japan to recycle them into objects useful to society.

We are also making a more pro-active plan as a manufacturer by developing new manufacturing processes more respectful of the environment and products that incorporate recycled materials without compromising quality, performance, and comfort. In 2023 we are releasing our first gloves that use recycled materials, mainly the fibers of the liner. Right now, this is limited to a few gloves but the plan mid-term will be to expand our range to offer more options to our partners. Packaging is also an area where we aim for more sustainable solutions, mainly by removing the use of plastics 

We are mainly working towards UN sustainability goals 12: Responsible Consumption and Production; 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth and 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.

Stand SH.1442

SkillBase First Aid

SkillBase First Aid have a number of policies in place that cover a wide range of the UN’s SDG’s such as; recycling, energy management and wellbeing for onsite employees with e-learning as part of the recruitment onboarding process.

Remote working policy, diversity and inclusion recruitment process and mental health policy. We are also working towards the goal of becoming completely paperless by 2024.

Stand SH.1842

Connected Safety Net Limited

Connected Safety Net are excited to be a leader in the market of transformational Net Zero targeting using technology that helps companies manage their carbon footprint in advance of operations happening. Eliminating the need of any paper within operations.

Helping businesses achieve significant efficiencies through digital automation. Maintain the position of a market leader of carbon calculation through our AI/Machine learning tools.

Stand SH.2440

Rebo BV

Rebo BV aim to reduce our waste output by 50% and to maximize all recyclable materials 

Stand SH.1612

Safetytech Accelerator

Safetytech Accelerator's work in developing safety technologies typically also supports organisations in meeting ESG goals.

Our work can be seen to contribute to several SDG goals, including: health and wellbeing, clean energy, decent work, industry innovation infrastructure, sustainable cities, climate action, life below water and more.

Stand SH.1440


Care for the environment and promoting sustainability is one of our key responsibilities and an important part of how we do business. Our mid-term goals are to continue reducing energy use, minimize waste, and recycling as much as possible.

We have recently installed solar panels and upgraded the heating system to be much more efficient. We now use low-energy LED lighting throughout the building and will be looking to purchase electricity from a supplier committed to renewable energy in our next contract.

The company purchases recycled products where possible (such as printer paper or paper towels) and recycle as much as we can. Video conferencing is now used instead of site visits (where possible), and when travel is required, journeys are scheduled together via location to help minimize environmental impact (again, where possible).

Stand SH.1272

Eurosafe Solutions Ltd.

Eurosafe Solutions wants to be a leading international technical service provider, which offers high quality services, products and solutions to its clients.

Eurosafe Solutions aims to be an industry leading technical service provider, offering a range of high quality services and products to ensure our clients working environment is one in which their people feel safe and secure, therefore contributing to a working atmosphere conducive to optimal performance levels.

Our Values
As a safety company, Eurosafe Solutions takes the safety and health of its employees extremely seriously because a large part of our staff works at height, which entails safety risks.  To ensure safe and comfortable working environment, Eurosafe Solutions provides its employees with user-friendly, ergonomic and approved tools, such as hoisting and lifting equipment, and lightweight stairs and ladders.Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure.

• Quality education
• Responsible consumption & production
• Decent work & economic growth
• Reduced inequalities
• Good health & wellbeing
• Gender equality

Stand SH.2689

Cognitica AI Pvt. Ltd.

Globally, an average of 1000 people lose their lives per day in industrial accidents. The main sustainability mission of our company is zero accidents in the industrial environment To help reduce industrial accidents at least by 50% compared to the given industrial environment’s standards. 

We are working towards the following UN Sustainable Development Goals :

Goal nr. 3 by reducing the number of injuries and deaths.
Goal nr 8 and especially target 8.8 for promoting safe working environments.
Goal 9 and especially 9.4. upgrade all industries and infrastructures for sustainability and 9.5. enhance research and upgrade industrial technologies
Goal nr 11 and especially target 11.2. road safety.
Target 12.1. sustainable production framework.
Target 17.7. promoting sustainable technologies to developing countries (now majority of industrial safety accidents and deaths occur in developing countries)

Stand SH.1239


Peoplesafe have a sustainability strategy that is focused around 4 pillars:

1. Reducing negative impact – implementing a Cardon Reduction Plan
2. Minimise waste and recycle – reduce landfill waste and ensure all waste is recycled as much as possible
3. Product packaging – already removed several plastic parts and looking to introduce a paper bag to hold accessories
4. Business travel – reduce the amount of business travel by encouraging remote meetings and partnered with Tusker, an electric vehicle scheme, to encourage the switch from fossil fueled cars as an employee benefit

Our stand builder is also working to re-use as much of our stand as possible for other expos. We aim to reduce our impact on the environment, manage our energy usage and reduce costs.

Stand SH.1810

Be-Safe Technologies 

Be-Safe Technologies operate a programme of Development, Implementation & Evaluation.

Reassessment/ modification part of ISO. Working towards UN’s Sustainable Development Goals: Good health and well-being and Industry innovation and infrastructure.

Stand SH.1452